My Kampung , Yishun Junction 9 (North)

My Kampung , Yishun Junction 9 (North)


in this mini cafeteria, there are few choices less than 6 stalls. however, most of the stall are awesome EXCEPT! the dim sum (which located at the corner side) let's start from this, normal looking halal chicken rice. usually people will think halal food don't really taste that good. however, this is an exceptional case okay? the rice aromatic will makes you drool as if a pretty bosom woman walk past you! the rice are fluffy (which i love it so much!) and soft! amazingly good! the chicken is succulent and the soup are pretty peppery and tasty. lastly, the chili is not so significantly power but overall still not bad and able to blend well with the rest. look at the skin itself is enough to make you queue up for your next food hunt, i guess?     


in Yishun, not much hokkien mee able to meet my minimum requirement and I'm luck enough to encounter one, which is this at J9! the haters will only hate the unpeeled prawns which need a lot of patience to deal with it ( because i hate it too! ) base on the fragrance itself can tell that the prawn stock is subtle. this version is a wet one so HOKKIEN MEE DRY SUPPORTERS, please avoid this if you attempt to try. Ingredients wise are fish cakes , eggs , bean sprout and prawns due to halal so no pork is allow but who cares? prawn stock has the final say!  

this char kuey teow must see who do the job! there's 2 staff, a chinese uncle or a macik. i would strongly recommend order this "IF" the job is done by the uncle. i had tried both but unfortunately the macik unable to bring out the flavour and the taste. (sorry! macik, it's a hard truth, i know!) this uncle if i'm not wrong is a second half shift who work afternoon till closing. ( base on my timing when i tried both ) this char kuey teow is kinda decent with some smoky flavour and authentic savoury taste. filled with generous toppings like slice fish cakes , a handful of bean sprouts , numerous fresh cockles and some freshly peeled prawns. for the price of $4.50, is consider a good deal. Yishun has a very limited CKT gem ( i mean a really good one ) this mini cafe has it all. remember ah, order from the right one who could give you an awesome experience for this power CKT!


an array of dishes displaying on the shelf with limited option but? guess what? there's not the main point, its the way you gonna have it like my curry flavour (some say laksa flavour!) this YTF curry flavour is not cloying at all best part is the level of spiciness my liking. (you could opt for sambal chili in if you wish to enhance the level of spiciness) as you can see, i love tou pok with fish paste fillings in between. its similar to hakka YTF and it same goes well to the beancurd too! its well - mixed in with all these ingredients and the tou pok douse in the curry flavour create another level of omphness! one of my best fulfilling stall have to visit. oh ya! the main ingredient in this curry is hay bee! thats why it has the original sweetness in it and there you go.


this is the newest and latest stall in My Kampung Cafe. previously there's a dim sum stall but i could foresee that dim sum couldn't survive for more than 6 months. food quality couldn't justify by the price they offer and thank god this is why this Malay stall is born! this is their beef rendang with curry veggies. beef are tender and juicy but the gravy is slightly salty than average, overall still edible and the curry veggies is awesome! veggies are soft and fill with authentic taste.   

to compare beef rendang and curry chicken, i think i would go for this! the whole entire drumstick in fuse with their home - made curry gravy which makes you go weak on your knees and beg for more! maybe i like that kinda curry which blend so well between spicy and sweetness together. its ain't easy job to do so if you happen to find one, enjoy it and support them, for the way! drumsticks are soft in texture and melts in your mouth! for the price of $4.50, could bring you to and fro from heaven. why not? the tofu are savoury and soft. overall is a good deal. 


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